
"We are not built to shrink into something less but to blossom into something more." Oprah Winfrey

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Life as of now...

Something exciting is actually taking place in my life right now!
I have decided to audition for AMDA (American Music and Drama Academy). My audition is in a month! This week has been crazy, learning my music, picking a monologue, not to mention filling out my application for the school. I cannot wait. Moving to LA and being all on my own will be a huge change but I'll be doing what I love all day, errrday:)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Last night was spent at the midnight premiere of Eclipse with the one and only Elaina. Let's just say that Eclipse was definitely what I expected it to be. Completely cheesy/corny, (I cringe with almost every line) and horrible acting! Ha the whole time I was there I kept wondering to myself, "What posessed me to lose precious hours of sleep to come see this?" Not only was the movie not of interest to me, but of course I was stuck in the theater with a bunch of Edward-hungry, Jacob-obsessed, Twilight fans! AAAHHH! I'm surprised we made it out of there alive! I do have to say Taylor Lautner absolutely made the movie. If it wasn't for him and his half naked body I would've left the theater feeling completely disappointed. So thank you Taylor Lautner for flaunting what you've got!

Friday, June 25, 2010


Okay so my birthday is tomorrow. I am going to be 19 years old!!! I have decided that 19 is truly a nothing age. You don't seem any older. Does 19 even sound older than 18? You don't get any extra privledges. Really absolutely nothing happens. However, I am quite excited. This birthday has promises of being one of the best yet.
1. I am getting a record player.
2. I am going to Cirque du Soleil.
3. I am going to be with the people I love.
4. I will be spending time with my tambourine man:)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

5 Most Overated, Annoying, Overused, etc. Words.

1. Epic- seriously, do you even know what that means? Why do you refer to your dog as epic? Get a new word.

2.Obvi- Ha I never realized how hard it was to say obviously in the first place. Not to mention, obvi just sounds stupid.

3. Cray Cray- Am I five? Are you five? Yet, even at five I understood what the word CRAZY meant.

4. Seri?- Again with the shortening words that don't need to be shortened. No I am not "seri" but yes I am "serious."

5. Fail- Nope. I didn't fail. You didn't fail. No one is failing. I just forgot to tie my shoe lace.
*side note: The only thing worse than "Fail," is "Epic Fail"

Quote of the Day

"In hoping to reach the moon men fail to see the flowers that blossom at their feet."
How true! Trust me I'm a total believer in not settling, reaching for your dreams, and always wanting more out of life. But how many times do we want something so bad that we fail to see that we already have something just as good, if not better? We just need learn how to know what's best, and when we have a great thing.


As I reflect upon not only today but this summer in general I have definitely learned something about myself. Productivity is key! I am the person to stay at home all day, doing nothing, and be okay with it. I'm not saying that's a bad thing but when I'm at home all day I literally go crazy. I just can't do it. If I am at home, I better be busy cleaning or working on some type of project. I constantly have to be doing something. A "lazy day" so to speak is okay every now and then but for the most part I must stay productive and busy. Ha what a life.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Quote of the Day

"What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?" -Vincent Van Gough